For more information visit City of Helsinki / Executive office.

Helsinki WMS for materials in development

The materials in this service are either in development or do not have a permanent home yet. As such this is an eclectic collection of materials with some connection to the City of Helsinki. Users should definitely follow our web page for the inevitable breaking changes.

GeoServer Web Map Tile Service

A compliant implementation of WMTS service.

Helsinki WFS for materials in development

The materials in this service are either in development or do not have a permanent home yet. As such this is an eclectic collection of materials with some connection to the City of Helsinki. Users should definitely follow our web page for the inevitable breaking changes.

Web Coverage Service

This server implements the WCS specification 1.0 and 1.1.1, it's reference implementation of WCS 1.1.1. All layers published by this service are available on WMS also.

Contact administrator.